Panorama School District
701 West Main Street
Panora, Iowa 50216
How to Apply for a Scholarship
Applications are due by May 10th and the scholarship recipients are notified at Panorama High School Awards Night. Below are instructions for completing the online application form. If you have questions, please contact or contact the guidance counselor for assistance.
1) Click on "New Application" and a .pdf form will be available for you to complete.
2) Complete your application and email to "".
3) As you begin to complete the scholarship application some of the information you will know (like your address, parents names, etc.) but other information may need to be gathered (like your financial information, reference letters, etc.)
4) A few other tips for completing the form - financial need for assistance is an important piece of information. Please complete all questions as best you can to present a complete picture of your situation as you pursue your education.
If you have questions, please contact the school guidance counselor for questions on how to complete the form. If there is more information that should be provided to make the website easier for you to use, please send an email with your suggestions to so that we can modify the website as needed.